
Consilient Health are dedicated to your ongoing support and education in relation to Blissel and its clinical benefits. As part of our commitment to supporting healthcare practitioner education and continuous professional development we host a range of webinars and face to face educational meetings, in addition we support a number of other healthcare meetings.

Upcoming Webinars 2024

24th Sept

7pm to

Prescribing Precision – Medications for symptom relief with Dr Diana Mansour 

  • Join us for an informative discussion about prescribing medications for Vaginal Atrophy symptom relief.

26th Nov

7pm to

Navigating Menopause: A comprehensive overview with Nurse Consultant Nikki Noble.

Join us for an evening navigating the vast subject of menopause.  This will include a comprehensive overview of menopause including signs and symptoms.

  • Q&A session

Upcoming Webinars 2025

30th April

7pm to

Balancing Act: HRT in Menopause Genitourinary Health with Dr Diana Mansour. Looking for more information on understanding Menopause and Genitourinary symptoms? 

For more information please click below.

Previous Webinars 2024

25th June

7pm to

Vaginal Atrophy Demystified: Beyond Dryness addressing Vaginal Atrophy with Dr Radhika Vohra. An in-depth exploration of vaginal atrophy. 

  • Diagnostic tools and assessment techniques
  • Efficacy of various treatment options
  • Case studies & practical scenarios
  • Q&A session

30th April

7pm to

Understanding Menopause and Genitourinary Symptoms. Navigating Menopause: A Comprehensive Overview with Dr Diana Mansour

  • Introduction to menopause and its impact on genitourinary health
  • Identification and assessment of genitourinary symptoms
  • Overview of the medical management landscape
  • Q&A session

6th Feb

7pm to

Troubleshooting common menopause issues
with Dr Julie Oliver – G.P with extended role from Durham

An informative discussion about troubleshooting common menopause issues.

Previous Webinars 2023

24th Oct

7pm to

Vaginal Atrophy Focus
VA an elephant in the room with ANP Tracey Elliott and chaired by Dr Anne Connolly

An informative discussion about Vaginal Atrophy, including what the condition is and also sharing some case studies.

8th Nov

7pm to

Q&A Menopause
your questions answered with Consultant Diana Mansour and chaired by Dr Anne Connolly

Answering your burning questions about Menopause.

6th Sept

7pm to

The overlapping symptoms of BPS & GSM
A conundrum for the discerning physician with Nurse Consultant Angie Rantell and Chaired by Consilient Chief Medical Officer Anne Fairey

An informative discussion about the overlap of BPS and GSM.

22nd March


Managing the transistion between contraception & menopause management
with Dr Anne Connolly & Dr Caroline Cooper

Looking for more information on the transition of contraception to menopause management?

Our clinical experts

Dr Radhika Vohra qualified from the University of Birmingham Medical School and works as a NHS & Private GP in Surrey. Whilst enjoying all challenges of primary care; her special interest is Women’s Health, Menopause and Education. She is a GP, FSRH Registered Trainer, Speaker, NHS Appraiser and Medical Trustee to TheMenopause Charity. Dr Vohra believes understanding the medical and social challenges all women face is crucial to providing quality support & care.

Dr Anne Connolly. After a two year volunteer posting to an under-resourced mission hospital in rural Zimbabwe Anne returned to General Practice in inner-city Bradford in 1990 and is currently working as a GP providing care for asylum seekers, refugees, homeless and sex workers.

Anne is a true expert in her field, a GPSI in gynaecology, accredited as a hysteroscopist and FSRH trainer.  Her dedication to healthcare extends beyond the clinic as Anne has been involved with commissioning since 2006 and retired as CCG clinical board member with remit for maternity, women’s, children and young people’s healthcare in 2019.

Anne is chair of the PCWHF and RCGP Clinical Champion for Women’s Health. She is also co-editor of Women’s Health in Primary Care.

In 2021 Anne was honoured to be awarded an MBE for her work in women’s health in the Queens Birthday Honours List.

Dr Diana Mansour is a leading UK Consultant in Community Gynaecology & Reporoductive Healthcare at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  Currently based at New Croft Centre on Market Street East, Diana is seeing women with medical gynaecological problems including menopausal issues.

Diana has also been an Associate Clinical Lecturer at Newcastle University since 1997 and was a former Senior Vice President at the FSRH.  Diana is a British Menopause Society recognised specialist & trainer and was the first accredited subspecialty trainee in Community Gynaecology & Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.  She has been first author to over 100 peer-reviewed publications.  Diana has many areas of expertise including management of menopause.

Release her confidence from within.

To book a visit from a Consilient Healthcare Blissel trained healthcare manager, please click here to complete our DATA compliant form:


How Blissel



Ultra low dose estriol vaginal gel1

Prescribing and Adverse event reporting information for Blissel can be found here.

 Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to Consilient Health (UK) Ltd, No. 1 Church Road, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey TW9 2QE UK or drugsafety@consilienthealth.com 

  1. Cano A, et al. Menopause. 2012;19(10):1130-9.

Date of preparation: July 2024 | UK-BLS-43f(6)